The Islamic Action Front Party

The Islamic Action Front Party

The Islamic Action Front Party
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  • Year of Establishment: 1992
  • The organizational Structure: Founding Assembly, General Assembly, the General Conference, the Consultative Council, and the Executive Office.
  • Secretary-General: :Secretary General
    Murad Al-Adayleh
  • Party’s Objectives: - The resumption of Islamic life in the society, the implementation of the Islamic law “Shariea” in all aspects of life; participation in building the nation, materially and morally; and contributing to the Arab Islamic renaissance project. Preparing the nation to fight its Zionist and colonial; serving the Palestinian cause in its Arab Islamic frame, and seeking the liberation of Palestine from the extorted Zionists.
    - Seeking the unity and freedom of nation; resisting the foreign colonial influence. Promotion of the national unity and the democratic consultative system; defending the rights and dignity of the people in addition to freedoms in general; looking after people’s living issues; serving the people; comprehensive development of the society from an Islamic point of view.
  • The Party’s Media:
  • Party’s Headquarter: Amman- Al-Abdali- behind the Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Party’s Branches: Amman- Sahab- Suaileh- Zarqa- Madaba- Al-Balqa’- Al-Rusaiyfa- Al-Kourah- Ma’an- Kofranja- Tafila- Ajloun- Aqaba- Jerash- Irbid- Karak- Ein-Elbasha- Mafraq- North Ghour.
  • Fixed Line(s): 5699997
  • Fax: 065696987
  • E-mail:
  • Website:
  • P.O. Box: 925310 Postal Address 111110