Ministry of Water and Irrigation

  • Home
  • Ministry of Water and Irrigation
  • Ministry's Functions: Development and protection of water resources, updating information systems, legislations and regulations relevant to the water sector, developing strategies and programs pertaining to the implementation of water policies, securing funding necessary for water projects, following-up implementation of projects, maintaining the rights of Jordan shared water resources, updating plans and projects of the institutional development, training, public awareness and water demand management as well.
  • Fixed Line(s): 5652265- 06
    5652267- 06
  • Fax: 5652287- 06
  • E-mail:
  • Website: www.
  • P.O. Box: 2412 Amman 11181 / 5012 Amman 11181
  • Address: Alshumaysani beside Marriott Hotel