Minister Ahmad Ziadat

Minister Ahmad Ziadat

Ahmad Ziadat

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  • Year of Birth: 1950
  • Graduation Country: Jordan, Britain
  • Last Position: Chairman of the Legislation and Opinion Bureau
  • Qualifications:
    - Holds a PhD in law from the University of London.
    - Master's degree in law from Harvard University.
    - A bachelor's degree in law from the University of Jordan (UJ).
  • Professional Experiences:
    - Worked as an assistant for research and teaching at the University of Jordan, 1983-1984.
    - Assistant Professor, University of Jordan, 1990 - 2003
    - Associate Professor, University of Jordan, 2003.
    - Part-time Lecturer, Institute of Banking Studies, 1995 2003
    - Part-time lecturer, Amman Private University from 1991 to 1992.
    - Part-time Lecturer, Al al-Bayt University, 1995/1996.
    - Part-time Lecturer, Judicial Institute of Jordan's 2007 --2,008
    - Served as Dean of the Faculty of Law / University of Jordan from 2003 to 2005.
    - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Jordan, from 0.1996 to 1997.
    - Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Jordan, from 0.1993 to 1994.
    - Member of the Board of Directors of Housing Fund staff the University of Jordan 0.1996 to 2006.
    - Member of the Management Committee of the University of Jordan Cooperative Association from 1997 to 1998.
    - Chairman of the Management Committee of the Association of the University of Jordan Cooperative 1999 2003.
    - The work of an arbitrator and president of the jury in a number of domestic and international issues.
    - Legal adviser to al-Bayt University, 1994 2001.
    - Chairman of the Disciplinary Board of Appeals in 1997 the staff of the University of Jordan in 1999.
    - Chairman of the Disciplinary Board of the primary staff the University of Jordan, 1995, 1997.