The Jordanian Democratic Popular Unity Party

The Jordanian Democratic Popular Unity Party

The Jordanian Democratic Popular Unity Party
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  • Year of Establishment: 1993
  • The organizational Structure: National General Conference, Central Committee, Political Office, Province. In addition to several specialized committees: Engineers Committee, Doctors Committee, Dentists Committee, Lawyers Committee, Pharmacists Committee, in addition to the Youth Office, Labour Office, Women Office and Students Office.
  • Secretary-General: Secretary General: Dr. Saeed Thiab
  • Party’s Objectives: - Establishing national democratic rule, where people are the source of authorities, thus achieving the state of law and institutions in order to stabilize the concepts and values of justice, freedom, creativity, thinking, and national unity. Enhancing and deepening democracy in the country, considering it as being the lever to achieve the desired goals. Promotion of freedom, equality and political pluralism in the Jordanian society. Deepening the progressive social content of the social revolution, especially in the field of equality between men and women. Defending the country against any foreign ambitions, especially the expansionist ambitions of the Zionist entity. Participation in the battle of liberating Palestine being a national and patriotic mission, as well as incarnating the special historical struggle oriented relation between the Jordanian and the Palestinian people by achieving a free democratic unity upon the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the Palestinian land.
  • The Party’s Media: Internal Press
  • Party’s Headquarter: Amman- Jabal Al-hussein- behind the Directorate of Health - Abu Maher Shink Building
  • Party’s Branches: Amman, Zarqa, Balqa, Irbid, Karak
  • Fixed Line(s): 5692301 06
    5659104 06
  • Fax: 065692302
  • E-mail:
  • Website:
  • P.O. Box: 922110 Jabal al-Hussein